Thursday, August 21, 2008

A wonderful poetry...... Marianne Williamson....

This is a truly inspirational poem I have come to read, and is also quoted in Nelson Mandela's inaugral speech I read somewhere......
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness That most frightens us.
We ask ourselves Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small Does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, As children do.
We were born to make manifest The glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; It’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we’re liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others......

How true and inspiring....... So lets live our deepest fears......!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Know your customer..... and the how of it, in recruitment?!

I am reading this great work of Ramcharan "What every CEO wants you know", and i think it is a must read for every proffessional. It speaks about the most rudimentary, and also the most ignored basics of business - how optimally is your cash in hand being used, what is your business velocity etc.. and the most vital, how well you know your customer and how close to the ground you are.....
As someone facilitating clients in recruitment, i am thinking loud on 'being close to the customer's ground.... and understanding the client needs from the corporate recriuitment teams's perspective.... In the maze of emails and client sent mandates, with a caveat that the position/mandate is critical.... most of us are not anywhere close to the ground..... what are the unstated needs of the client.... Where is his target talent pool for lateral placements, what in his/her experience has a good hire for the position meant, what is the role and responsibility of the incumbent, how relevant or redundant is the job description...... The only concern a recruiter has is can i send profiles by tommorrow, and how fast will it be closed........... This attitude is a enough reasoning for the abysmally low strike rate and successful fill by many of us.....
If we want to know the customer better and be of strategic support in recruitment, it will be pertinent to imbibe some of these qualiies, and also engage in a quality dialogue with the client. Here it would also be critical to get the client engaged at this level, given the high rates of people movement even in corporate recruitment/HR.......
Nevertheless, a good beginning would be for recruitment professionals to get to know the clients, their products/services, people values, short term and long term goals etc...... and then commence the 'hunt' for the candidates in the 'right terrain'........

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Success is a mindset.....

More than often, we all ponder on why we are not meeting with success in all our chosen endeavors….. Could be anything ranging from success and achievement in work, to succeeding in living a happy life with a happy family.

Distilling my thoughts from the best of success literature, I would like all of you to realize that success begins with nowhere else from within… deep there in our minds and hearts….. Just find your time to pick up and browse through the preface of any such reading, and you will see in the 1st few pages that a willingness to succeed is the most critical attribute to translate your actions to succeed.

The first step to success then is to tune the success music in your minds. Feel that you have already achieved success, and begin with that confidence in all your acts. Determine how you will measure your success…. Without determining this, you will not have your own goalpost…. And it is important to move towards a goal post created by you, than make your mind and body miserable by measuring your acts and deeds against anyone else’s goalposts….

Make it a habit to look at the outcome of anything you do towards achievement….. Don’t focus on the process….. The moment your focus on the process, you start getting hassled as to how long it will take to complete, what are the trials and tribulations, and the pain points…… effectively you lose sight of the goal or objective…… If this has to be illustrated, suppose you are enrolling in a fitness program….. and you need to wake up early everyday to go….. your focus ought to be on the final objective….. STAYING FIT and not on the small pain of waking up early or sweating it…. Draw this analogy to all your bigger goals… and you will see the power of focusing on the final outcome than the process.

And whilst focusing on the outcome, everyday and every moment, visualize you have already achieved what you want to… like you in that coveted CEO cabin, with all the paraphernalia, or you as a healthy and fit person, or you having all fun and happiness with your family in that quiet mountain resort.

These only show the power of the mind, and the need to embed the success chip in your mind hardware. With this ‘success’ chip in place, all events and actions are tuned in the right path, resulting in success and winning in every endeavor.

With this mindset in place, the other key quality is persistence….. to move towards your personal and objectives at all costs….. not tangible costs but those nagging intangibles like not getting there fast, not in the right frame, getting put off by a few handful who are out to de-motivate and throw your plans out of gear….. You have to be just beware of these factors and ignore them. Keep the outcome in mind and not the process…. And all these gnaws are a part of the process! So remember again… To succeed is to persist and to persist is to succeed.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Thoughts…… on HR, recruitment, career, and anything that matters……

Blogging for the sake of blogging is not my cup of tea..... my goal will be to make this place a virtual knowledge destination..... and here i will continuously update about anything that is of relevance in the areas of human relations, recruitment, PR and corporate communications, and anything that is of even remote significant to the professional diaspora.......
Here i will also draw information from various knowledge destinations, offline and online, and pen some of the best practices for success..... not just in the workplace but in our professional and personal lives, our family and society.
Despite so much being said about goals and its power, i also wonder why it gets so tough for most of us to set and swear by written goals in our personal and professional lifes..... Having read and absorbed some of the finest authors and success coaches, I would opine that the reason could be plain simple 'inertia' or a fear of 'pursuing a worthy goal'. But in my own little and simple experiences in goal setting, I have seen that it is a simple and powerful tool that actually makes life less complicated..... In the absence of a goal, we are wandering soldiers, who achieves nothing, and more, may be he would make him vulnerable to the enemy...... and just get exhausted.... Let us not get exhausted by the absence on any sensible goal..... we would rather slog hard, and achieve the best in our lifes, step by step, by setting up goals, that can be scaled up gradually....... Nothing can be more satisfying than the sense of achieving something that is worthwhile.....
And i would also make it my GOAL to make this an exciting place to be........

Success, Life and Celebration....

All through the day, i have been tasting the greatness guide of Robin Sharma.... it illustrates how simple and nice LIFE can be when you follow the basics like living for a goal, living your passion, and pursuing your dream..... and also nurturing your family......

In the huff and puff of a fast life, most of us fail to understand the fact that life is all about getting the basics right, and putting some simple habits to work..... like being good to people in the family, at work, and on the road.... everywhere..... being sincere and doing the best at your work...... giving in the best in whatever we pursue, and imaging only the best for all who come along with us in this fascinating and ever-learning exploration called LIFE......

Living and Winning are so synonymous, and the word failure can be erased from your mind when you are steadfast in pursuing the goals for family, at work, and for LIFE...... And come to think of it.... Most of us realise late in life that life would have been much better, nicer, and richer if we had chosen to pursue Goals at the personal, family and professional levels...... So, I would urge me first and all of you too to live life full with goals, written with timelines to achieve... And imagine the best and you will have no limits in achieving....... Give no room for negativists in your mind and life..... Think BIG, Think BEST, Think AUDACIOUS GOALS, Think a strong value system, Think the best at work.......... And Life is a Celebration with nothing but SUCCESS.....